Promise technology 12tb pegasus2 r6
Promise technology 12tb pegasus2 r6

This storage array’s Thunderbolt 2 interface offers high-speed connectivity. Pegasus2 pairs together Thunderbolt 2 connectivity and enterprise-level hardware RAID protection in a compact, portable package that you can take with you almost anywhere - perfect for all of you photographers, filmmakers, graphic designers and other multimedia professionals.The Promise Technology Pegasus2 R6 is a Thunderbolt 2 RAID storage array designed for simultaneous streaming, editing, and backup of high-resolution videos and large multimedia files. Boasting the world's fastest connectivity speed at 20Gbps, Thunderbolt 2 doubles the speed of the previous generation and perfectly supports bandwidth-hogging 4K work flow environments allowing you to never have to experience downtime with your digital creations.īeing away from the studio for a shoot doesn't mean you have to sacrifice the RAID protection and speeds of your SAN storage. Multiply the Mac Pro's flash storage capacity by daisy-chaining multiple Pegasus2 systems to achieve massive amounts of additional storage space.Įxperience the ability to seamlessly edit and stream 4K (Ultra HD) content, while backing up those files at the very same time. Synergize the ultimate innovation of the new Mac Pro and Thunderbolt 2 with the capacity and performance of the industry's fastest storage solution, Pegasus2. Showcasing Intel's revolutionary Thunderbolt 2 connectivity, the Pegasus2 boasts a staggering speed of 20Gbps - more than enough to effortlessly handle and accelerate any 3D or 4K (Ultra-HD) workflow environment.

promise technology 12tb pegasus2 r6

The Pegasus2 is the fastest Thunderbolt 2 enabled hardware RAID storage available in the market. This high-speed I/O technology is capable of delivering a blistering two channels of 10Gbps (1.25Gbps) per port of performance.

promise technology 12tb pegasus2 r6 promise technology 12tb pegasus2 r6

Thunderbolt technology is a new, high-speed, dual-protocol I/O technology designed for performance, simplicity and flexibility. The Promise Technology Pegasus2 R6 12TB 6-Bay Storage Array designed to unleash the raw power of Thunderbolt technology.

Promise technology 12tb pegasus2 r6