Forspoken cuff
Forspoken cuff

We’re grateful to have the half-chance.įor Frey Holland, there has been no half-chance.

forspoken cuff

And while we never really truly know whether we stepped the right way at the litany of crossroads we’ve reached, we hope that our sixth sense at best and blind luck at worse will see us through to our goals. And with each of these choices, we walk on new paths. Each and every day the luckiest among us are afforded multiple opportunities to go left, right, straight ahead, or staying right where I am, thank you very much. Adjusting the "Sound Effect Volume" in the same menu to 90% may also help.Our choices are, at best, half-chance. Keeping the music volume at 70% is a sweet spot for a decent balance between music and dialogue. To turn down the music, players should go to "Settings" in the game's menu, go to "Sound Settings," and then adjust the "Music Volume" slider. There are more than enough moments in Forspoken where the music overpowers the dialogue, so turning it down should help. To turn on subtitles, players should go to "Settings" in the game's menu, go to "Accessibility Settings," and then switch "Subtitles" to "On." After turning on subtitles, players may also benefit from turning down the game's music. This may subtract from immersion for some, but it will ultimately result in the game's dialogue becoming more understandable. The first thing players should do is turn on subtitles for the game.

forspoken cuff

While there is no option to adjust the equalization of Cuff's voice, there are some workarounds players can apply to hear him a little better.

forspoken cuff

The inability to hear a character's voice clearly is enough to irritate anyone, regardless of the voice actor's talent or lack thereof. The main thing to understand about Cuff (played by Jonathan Cake) is that some poor audio mixing has resulted in his voice sounding muddy, muffled, and altogether unintelligible at times.

Forspoken cuff